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Young Investigators

ÖAG-YIA Abstract Writing Checklist

  The abstract can be written in English or German.
  1.  The title of the abstract must not exceed 150 characters (including spaces).
  2. The abstract has to be structured and must not exceed 2000 characters (including spaces).
  3. Background
    • Why is the research important?
    • What research gap is being addressed?
    • Relevance of the topic to science/practice.
  4. Research Question(s) / Study Aim(s)
    • What is the specific research question?
    • What is expected, or what are the study aims?
  5. Methods
    • Study design (e.g. double blind RCT, prospective/retrospective, in vivo studies)
    • Study population: human population, animal population, the materials studied (e.g. molecule, cell)
    • Statistical methods
  6. Results
    • What are the main results?
    • Are the results consistent with the study aims?
    • Statistical or qualitative results (e.g. p-values, trends).
  7. Conclusion
    • What do the results mean?
    • What are the practical or theoretical implications?
    • Future research questions?
Symbolbild Spende

Recommendations for optimal preparation of the short presentation at the annual conference:


  • It is important to practice the presentations beforehand to ensure that the content is clear and understandable.
  • Visual aids should be used purposefully to clarify the content and support the audience.
  • Speaking pace and volume are crucial for creating a pleasant presentation atmosphere.
  • Time management helps to keep the presentation within the allotted time and ensures that all key content is covered.
  • Preparation for questions helps to respond professionally and confidently to all comments and critical feedback.

Upload your abstract

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max. 150 Zeichen
max. 2000 signs

Primary Autor


Please include the information of all co-authors